🚀 As a DevOps engineer, ideally you should have proficiency in the Linux.
As a DevOps professional, mastering the Linux command line is crucial for efficient server management, automation, and troubleshooting. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore top 79 essential Linux commands that every DevOps user should know. Each command is accompanied by a clear explanation and practical examples to help you deepen your Linux proficiency.
This article will help in understanding most of the important and majorly used Linux commands that would be required for a DevOps Engineer.
To execute these commands one can either use any Linux machine / virtual machine / online Linux terminal to quickly start working with the commands.
What is Linux?
- Linux is an operating system, the same as Windows, iOS, and Mac OS. In fact, Linux is the operating system that powers one of the most well-known platforms, Android.
- All of the hardware resources connected to your desktop or laptop are managed by an operating system, which is a piece of software.
- The operating system, in a nutshell, controls how your software and hardware communicate with one another.
- The operating system (OS) is necessary for the software to run.
Why is Linux used for DevOps?
- One of the main practices carried out by the majority of IT companies is infrastructure automation.
- In the area of automating infrastructure, Linux is widely used. The creation of instances takes less time with Linux’s assistance, and operations run more quickly.
- 47% of businesses will choose Linux by 2021 for major infrastructure versioning and infrastructure automation. So, Is there any ideal Linux for DevOps?
Some of the DevOps-friendly Linux distributions are:
- Ubuntu: For good reason, Ubuntu is frequently ranked first when this subject is brought up.
- Fedora: For developers who prefer RHEL, Fedora is a good option to be explored.
: List directory contentscd
: Change directorypwd
: Print working directorymkdir
: Create a directorytouch
: Create a filecp
: Copy files and directoriesmv
: Move or rename files and directoriesrm
: Remove files and directoriesfind
: Search for files and directoriesgrep
: Search for patterns in filescat
: Concatenate and display filesless
: View file contents page by pagehead
: Display the first lines of a filetail
: Display the last lines of a filevi/vim
: Text editornano
: Text editortar
: Archive and compress filesgzip
: Compress filesgunzip
: Decompress fileswget
: Download files from the webcurl
: Transfer data to or from a serverssh
: Secure shell remote loginscp
: Securely copy files between hostschmod
: Change file permissionschown
: Change file ownershipchgrp
: Change group ownershipps
: Display running processestop
: Monitor system resources and processeskill
: Terminate processesdf
: Display disk space usagedu
: Estimate file and directory space usagefree
: Display memory usageuname
: Print system informationifconfig
: Configure network interfacesping
: Test network connectivitynetstat
: Network statisticsiptables
: Firewall administrationsystemctl
: Manage system servicesjournalctl
: Query the system journalcrontab
: Schedule cron jobsuseradd
: Create a user accountpasswd
: Change user passwordsu
: Switch usersudo
: Execute a command as another userusermod
: Modify user accountgroupadd
: Create a groupgroupmod
: Modify a groupid
: Print user and group informationssh-keygen
: Generate SSH key pairsrsync
: Synchronize files and directoriesdiff
: Compare files line by linepatch
: Apply a patch to filestar
: Extract files from an archivecurl
: Perform HTTP requestsnc
: Netcat - networking utilitywget
: Download files from the webwhois
: Lookup domain registration detailsdig
: DNS lookup utilitysed
: Stream editor for text manipulationawk
: Pattern scanning and processing languagesort
: Sort lines in a text filecut
: Extract sections from lines of fileswc
: Word, line, character, and byte counttee
: Redirect output to multiple files or commandshistory
: Command historysource
: Execute commands from a file in the current shellalias
: Create command aliasesln
: Create links between filesuname
: Print system informationlsof
: List open files and processesmkfs
: Create a file systemmount
: Mount a file systemumount
: Unmount a file systemssh-agent
: Manage SSH keys in memorygrep
: Search for patterns in filestr
: Translate characterscut
: Select portions of lines from filespaste
: Merge lines of filesuniq
: Report or omit repeated lines
⚡ Conclusion
These are some of the top and most popular Linux commands for DevOps that our experts have selected to aid you in your DevOps journey. You can start to feel the pressure of becoming an expert Linux user by inventively integrating these commands into your work processes.
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